Cal Baptist Lancers at Oregon DucksEugene, Oregon; Tuesday, 10 p. m. ESTBOTTOM LINE: Cal Baptist goes to the Oregon Ducks after Dominique Daniels Jr. scored 30 factors in Cal Baptist's 72-69 loss to the Utah Technology Ducks have gone 4-0 in home video games. Oregon is seventh in the Pac-12 at restricting opponent racking up, giving up 71. 5 factors while holding opponents to 43. 3% shooting. The Lancers are 1-0 when driving. Cal Baptist ranks seventh in the WAC with 12. 5 aids per game led by Daniels balancing 3. 0 Ducks Shop. Oregon averages 80. 8 points, 17. 5 even more per game than the 63. 3 Cal Baptist offers up. Cal Baptist standards 72. 4 factors per video game, 0. 9 even more than the 71. 5 Oregon enables to PERFORMERS: Jermaine Couisnard is racking up 13. 3 points per game and averaging 4. 3 rebounds for the Ducks. Keeshawn Barthelemy is balancing 10. 3 points and 2. 8 rebounds while shooting 48. 5% for is averaging 18 points for the Lancers. Blondeau Tchoukuiengo is balancing 11. 3 points for Cal Baptist. The produced this story using innovation offered by Data Skrive and information from Sportradar.

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