The avatar will receive 2 GB$ Gift every 10 mins In Gamble Casino Region.This Money can spend for land rent for tips dj etc....for have fun
Only Creators and Service providers Like Regions reseler Like land reseler can CASH OUT. Follow the instructions below for cashing out procedure.
Only Sellers/Creators or service providers like Regions reseler land reseler or live singers.
The rate of CASH OUT exchange is 1600 per 1 Euro. Plus a transaction fee of Eur2.50 per exchange.
Only up to 20Eur per month can be CASH OUT exchanged per avatar. Alternative Avatars are prohibited from exchanging. Must use main primary avatar accounts
So Creator or reseler Must rent region in GBG to use shop to own region or free shop in The Mall
DJs Can spend the virtual money from tips jar rented premade amazing regions in GBG or can shopping from marketplace with this virtual money from tips jar
Residents who are not creators can only use their $GB for uploading, creating groups and buying content from creators or tips dj.
That includes the FREE $GB residents receive throughout the grid or purchased $GB.
GB$ cannot be used outside the world GBG METAVERSE.
GBG METAVERSE reserves the right to suspend GB$ cash out or to delete the virtual money from grid activities anytime without the need of any prior communication.