/* the humans responsible & colophon */ /* humanstxt.org */ /* ABOUT ME */ Philippe Lemaire Avatar: djphil / dj phil Site: www.infodjphil.net Twitter: https://twitter.com/infodjphil Github: https://github.com/djphil Location: Bruxelles - Belgique /* THANKS */ Bootstrap : (http://getbootstrap.com//) ... /* SITE */ Last update: 01/01/2016 Standards: HTML5, CSS3 Components: Bootstrap, jQuery... Software: Sublime Text, NotePad++ /* CONTRIBUTOR */ Michel Beauregard email: gimisa@yahoo.fr site: ddd.gimisa.ca Avatar: gimisa @ 3d.gimisa.ca:9000 Location: Canada modified date 2019-06-03 make sure all features work with opensim 0901 changed to use no extrat database to opensim std revisit so it uses Friends validation