GBG Register Page

Welcome, to our registration page, password can not have space and no special characters, use only letters and numbers.

If you Login Inworld You can wear your new avatar male or female. Some of the Items of grid will wait for you at The Mall region. Enjoy and have fun!!!!!. Your password must have 5 to 30 characters, remembering only letters and numbers.. USERS WITH FAKE EMAIL DELETE WITHOUT WARNING
GBG WORLD It is not for Kids or adult with kid avatar so GBG WORLD it is for +18

All fields are requiered
Orfeas Male
Hra Female
Haidi Female

Free Members can use up to 5000 items in inventory if anyone of the freemembers use more to 5000 his account will be deleted without any warning,the same goes for alts
Regions owners Premium members or donators not limit in his inventory.Must use main primary avatar accounts, not alts for alts up to 5000 items

This website uses cookies to store login information so the system knows its you without forcing you to login all the time. By registering you agree to allow this site place a cookie on your computer. Don't worry it doesn't store your password. Just your uuid, the current time and your session id.
When registering you agree to our Terms of Service and our Cookie and Privacy Policy We only require a valid email address at registration to confirm that you are human and not a spam bot. We wont email you anything else without your approval. We also will NOT sell or give your email address to any annoying spam company because we hate spam too.